Monday, April 27, 2009

Looking to go on a trip next springbreak?

Come to Mrs. Trenerry's room tomorrow (Tuesday) at lunch to see what all of the buzz is about. The Spanish/Book Club trip is talking about a possible trip for next year. See you there.


Friday, April 24, 2009

Angels and Demons

This is our comment area for Angels and Demons. Lets start by calling for a NO spoiler alert until after May 14th. Without giving away too much here are a few questions to get us started.

For those who read The Da Vinci Code was Angels and demons better in your mind? Why, Why not?

Taking into account that Angels and demons was written before the Code, has your opinion of Robert Langdon changed? Does he seem like the same character?

This book says a lot about the Catholic Church and the Pope and the Vatican, has your opinion of any of these changed as you read the novel.

Do you like our heroine?

Does anyone else want to visit a super-collider now?


Inca Gold

This post is for those that read Inca Gold. I did not read this one . . . take it away!

Love in the Time of Cholera

This post is for those that read Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

Was this a true love story in every sense?

Does it matter that so much time takes place between falling in love and getting the girl, or is that what makes it so powerful?

Did the setting affect the story? how?


This post is for those who have read Alive, or would like to discuss it before they read it.

Does this book gain an ick factor more or less because it is true?

Am I the only one who is now afraid to fly?

Did this story need to be told? Is it worthy?

True stories often lose something because they don't follow the strict plot line of a well crafted
novel. Did this book lose something for lacking a true antagonist (I guess mother nature gets the nod here) or because it doesn't really have a story arc?

Is it okay for authors to embellish on true stories (A Million Little Pieces) or when writing thee types of novels should they keep their adverbs and adjectives in check? How passionate can one get about telling a rue story before they lose credibility or reliability?

Cell by Stephen King

This post is for those who read Cell, by Stephen King, or for those that want to know a little about it before they read it.

Does Stephen King lose his credibility by writing a Zombie book?
Is he trying to say something about our Cell Phone society?
Are we Zombies already? I mean IDK, like whatev, lol.
